Friday, September 4, 2009

Yeah, yeah, I (Melissa) finally got around to putting a movie up here. This is a little interview of Cami. She's such a silly little child.

If you're wondering, here's the picture that Cami took of me.

By the way, how to you make somebody a contributor for the blog? It would be a lot easier to get stuff on here if I was a contributor...

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

A Day at Hollywood Studios

On Sunday night, my roommates and I had a sleepover in our apartment with the girls upstairs (Natalie and Dianna). We watched Hercules (honestly, the older Disney movies are AMAZING), stayed up way too late, and then got up at 8 the next morning to head over to Hollywood Studios, one of the four Walt Disney World parks.

Here are the four of us (Natalie, Heather, Dianna, and me; Kelly, our other roommate, had to work) at the beginning of the day, before we got all hot and sweaty and shiny and our feet tried to mount a strike.

That's Heather. Turns out I don't really care to have all my pictures snapped with me in them, so I quickly took this one to at least have someone in it. Yes, the Sorcerer's Apprentice Mickey behind her is a bush. Or, you know, bush-like stuff. Pretty neat either way.

Here's a broomstick that does not have a Heather standing in front of it. : D I was going to go back and take a better picture later, but all the little blue flowers had closed up.

We saw many exciting things during the day (a live Beauty and the Beast show, a live Indiana Jones stunt show, Tattoine, Darth Vader crashing a lightsaber training class, and more), but it seems I don't like to take pictures when I'm with others. When my friends wanted to see a show that I didn't really care to see myself (plus I wasn't feeling well and was sure crashing cars and yelling and screaming wouldn't help) I wandered off to visit all of the gift shops and take pictures.

Here's one picture of Darth Vader crashing the aforementioned training class. He fought each young Jedi individually, trying to convince them all to come to the dark side. They all refused, of course. And I'm going to go back another day so I get get more and better pictures. It was pretty cool. : D

Another character made out of bushes!

I also have pictures of the inside of the Star Tours ride (hooray for C-3PO and R2-D2), and various Star Wars-related pins I really want, but I have to get ready to go to work. I would say it's not all play here, but when I go to work half my job is to play with the kids in the store, so... yeah.

I would really like to see some pictures and/or movies of everyone.



Sunday, August 23, 2009

My Apartment

I did this Friday night, after my first official day of training.

Night in a Hotel

This one was addressed to Cami. Of course, you may all watch it. ; D

Also, since I did this Tuesday night and just got it up, some of the things I say are rather out of date.